3D Cube Rotation C++ and Matrices Maths

  1. Read Khanacademy
  2. Move a DOT Up/down in XCode and Visual Code
  3. Get a example code working in Xcode or Visual Code
  4. Read the 3D Math Primer
  5. Apple Developer Code


  1. Xcode Example
    1. https://developer.apple.com/documentation/accelerate/rotating_a_cube_by_transforming_its_vertices
    2. https://codewithchris.com/how-to-make-an-iphone-app-objc/
  2. Find Example
  3. Find a Book
  4. Cinder
  5. Openframeworks
  6. WebGL
  7. Processing
  • Understanding what variables are, what a function is, how to graph a function, and so on.
  • Some very basic 2D Euclidian geometry, such as what a point is, what a line is, what it means for lines to be parallel and perpendicular, and so forth. Some basic formulas for area and circumference are used in a few places. It’s OK if you have temporarily forgotten those—you will hopefully recognize them when you see them.
  • Some prior exposure to trigonometry is best. We give a brief review of trigonometry in the front of this book, but it is not presented with the same level of paced explanation found most elsewhere in this book.
  • Readers with some prior exposure to calculus will have an advantage, but we have restricted our use of calculus in this book to very basic principles, which we will (attempt to) teach in Chapter 11 for those without this training. Only the most high-level concepts and fundamental laws are needed.



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